CORD Groups

Community is where we are transformed.

Healthy discipleship occurs when disciples seek to grow in Christ, in intentional and faithful relationship with other disciples, for the sake of the world.

A CORD Group is a group of 3 to 4 disciples who commit to walking together to press into God’s presence, will and work in their lives.

Please refer to document for resources on forming a CORD group.

Quick Infographic on How To Start A CORD Group

CORD Group - A Primer PDF

What it looks like?
3 people, 2 hours,1 time a month


Confession Others Reading Discernment

Suggested Format:
Sharing a meal and connecting - CORD Conversation - Praying together - Scheduling next meeting


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  • It is not a requirement, but with careful consideration we deem 3 as most optimal for relational accountability and discernment within the context of community.

  • The intimacy and intensity levels at which a CORD Group functions make it wise to have members who are of the same gender. We believe this would enable your conversations to go much deeper and further, whatever your life stage may be.

  • CORD Groups are not instant. Just like a LifeGroup community does not exist overnight but needs to develop in understanding and trust, between each member and other members, it takes time and effort to form and become a solid CORD Group. Ask God to bring to mind 1 person with whom you can connect more intentionally, and start there! Give some time to nurture your friendship, and you’re on your way to forming a CORD.

    Also, we can help! You can hit us up at with the subject “CORD Group”. Let us know the preferred profile of the CORD you would like to form, and we will see if any matches come up.

  • The four practices of Confession, Others, Reading and Discernment are what we have landed on as key components to practice unto deep spiritual friendship. We recommend allocating time to touch on each portion in each meeting. We encourage leaning in to what the Spirit is guiding your CORD group toward.

  • Spiritual friendship is what CORD is about. We want to affirm that some people have close relationships with persons within their LifeGroups with whom they want to form a CORD, but we also want to affirm that CORD must not be limited to people of the same LifeGroup. Foundationally, it can be of a richer experience if the forming is prayerful, intentional and done while there is momentum.

  • A key aspect of a thriving CORD group is deep mutual commitment. We are realistically limited in our time and resources, so we suggest being committed to not more than two concurrent groups.

  • In the process of forming, talk with each other to agree on the duration of your CORD Group commitment (not the duration of your friendship!). We suggest a 6-month duration at least. After the agreed duration, you can review - when you share honest feedback on how it has been and explore next steps to take.