Resource Page

A Daily Rhythm Of Renewal - 2025

1. Remember – Start With Gratitude

Morning Reflection:

  • How has God been faithful to me?

  • Where have I seen His goodness in my life?

  • What is one moment when I felt deeply loved by God?

Psalm 103:2 – "Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all His benefits."

2. Repent – Realign Your Heart

Midday Reset:

  • Is there anything in my life pulling me away from God?

  • Is there anything I need to surrender today?

  • Have I been relying on my own strength instead of His?

Psalm 139:23-24 – "Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."

3. Return – Reignite Your Passion

Evening Prayer:

  • Did I pursue God with my whole heart today?

  • Did I open His Word with hunger?

  • Did I worship with passion?

  • Did I love and serve others like Jesus?

Revelation 2:5 – "Do the things you did at first."

The Freedom You Long For

Pastoral Care

This Eastertide series aims to explore how each of us can be enslaved by habitual sins, destructive thoughts and crippling behavioural patterns, rather than living out the freedom Christ offers through His victory on the cross. We believe that God is inviting you and I into fuller healing, deeper intimacy and greater fruitfulness in our apprenticeship to Jesus Christ.

Here are some resources to aid you in navigating issues or pain that may surface as we go through this sermon series.

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Rewatch a moment of worship, or tune into a sermon on our youtube channel!

Sermon Guides

The Daniel Series

Resource Archive

Rule of Life

Our Rule comprises daily and weekly habits designed to help us incorporate rhythms that can transform our frazzled days into lives of love for God and neighbour.

Link to Rule-Of-Life Page

Biblical Literacy

The practise of reading and studying the bible has become a lost art. As a generation, we are becoming illiterate when it comes to the narrative of God. Our desire is that the Spirit of God would stoke a fresh hunger in the hearts of our people to be diligent in knowing God - His story, will and intent through the scriptures.

Resource Link:
Primer For LifeGroups
Inductive Bible Study Guide
Inductive Bible Study Cheat Sheet

Enduring Faith

After the Enduring Faith sermon series, certain issues or painful memories may surface. We believe that healing and hope can be found as we commit to walk with one another. Please refer to document for some post-series care and resources

Care Resource PDF

CORD Groups

Community is where we are transformed. 

Healthy discipleship occurs when disciples seek to grow in Christ, in intentional and faithful relationship with other disciples, for the sake of the world. Please refer to document for resources on forming a CORD group.

CORD Group - A Primer PDF


This series is our envisioning together with God what it looks like to be a people called to live distinct and compelling lives, through tethering our hearts and habits to God’s vision and values for a biblical, flourishing community. Click on the links below for the sermon recap notes.

Week 1: The Church As The Family Of God

Week 2: Community Is Where We Are Transformed

Week 3: A Community Of Honour In A Culture Of Contempt

Week 4: A Community Of Rest In A Culture Of Exhaustion

Week 5: A Community Of Deep Relationships In A Culture Of Shallow Connections

Week 6: A Community Of Orthodoxy In A Culture Of Ideological Idolatry

Week 7: A Community Of Reconciling Love In A Culture Of Broken Relationships

2023 Seek First Prayer Guide

The 2023 Seek First Prayer guide leads us to pray along these three themes - The Pursuit of Whole-Heartedness, The Altar of the Home, House of Prayer. We lean into the leading of the Spirit as we catch God’s heart for ourselves, our community and our city.

Seek First Prayer Booklet 2023

Readings, Podcast, & Additional Resources

Click on the italics for a direct link