Prayer At The City

Seek First 48hr Prayer Charge

21 - 23 February 2025

As a part of our annual rhythm, we begin the year with a time set apart for corporate prayer. We humble ourselves to seek the Lord with desperation, fervency and spiritual hunger.

We believe prayer to be primary in our participation in God’s work on the earth, and is fundamental in all our programmes, structures and efforts. With that as our posture, we call our community to 48 hours of collective uninterrupted prayer. 

Prayer Themes

These 3 themes will be prayed for in 2 cycles over the 48-hour period:


As disciples of Jesus, we must heed His words in the letter to the Church of Ephesus in Revelation 2:1-7 — we must not forsake the love we had at first. We must take sin seriously in repentance and return to the place of passion in our hearts for God. We pray that our community would walk in the Spirit, not gratifying the desires of the flesh and pursue the fruit the Spirit (Gal. 5)


We are called to walk worthy of our calling by bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit (Eph. 4). When we look at Jesus, the disciples and the early church, we see a model of category defying relationships. Unity in heart and mission amongst the diametrically opposed — made possible only through the Spirit and for the sake of revealing Christ to the world. We pray that this would be so in our community.


Far be it from us to build a church based on our preferences and neglect the mission of God clearly commanded in Scripture. The Church is to exist for God’s mission and our heart’s cry is that we would find our place in His story as a community. We pray that when as discern the call, we would say an emphatic ‘yes’; leaving all behind, to put our ‘hands to the plow’ as individuals and together.

Seek First Prayer Gathering

Friday, 21 February

We are shifting the usual Thursday Night Prayer to Friday this week to join the 48hr Prayer Charge.
We encourage you to set aside this evening to be there.

Date: 21 February, Friday
Time: 7.30pm - 9pm
Venue: Open Fields (1 Mactaggart Road #02-02, Singapore 368089)

Parking along Mactaggart Road. 
Nearest MRT: Tai Seng (Exit A), 5mins walk via Irving Rd - Playfair Rd - Mactaggart Rd

Communal Sensing

Post what you sense from your prayer times to the Communal Sensing page for the community to be encouraged, to continue praying into them, and to help our planning.

Click here for Communal Sensing Padlet

Our Prayer Rhythms

  • Sunday Pre-Service Prayer

    Every Sunday
    9:30am - 9:50am at MPH

  • Wednesday Women's Prayer

    Every Wednesday
    On Zoom

    Registration Required. Click here to join!

  • Thursday Night Prayer

    Every Thursday
    7:30pm - 9pm

    Location: 06-08, Pico

  • GUSH Prayer Meeting

    Every Last Wednesday Of The Month
    8:30pm - 9:30pm

    On Zoom

Any questions or simply need more info?
Email us here!